Monday, 16 November 2015


                    Reading passage-1
1.      Latitude-regions with reference to their temperature and distance from the equator
2.      Cosmic-relating to the universe cosmic
3.      Equinoxes-the time or date ( twice each year, about 22 September and 20 march) at which the sun crosses the celestial equator and when day and night are of equal length
4.      Beam-balance beam
    Reading passage-2
5.      Fortuitous-happening by chance rather than intention Reading passage-3
6.      Derision-mockery
7.      Brink of –the edge of a steep place
8.      Concur-agree
9.      Swamp-overwhelm with something too much, flood
10.  Plausible-seeming reasonable or probable
11.  Put forward-raise
12.  Esoteric-intended for  or understood by only a small number of people who have a specialized knowledge of something
13.  Quantum-amount , quantity
14.  Entanglement-
15.  Telepathy-the supposed communication of thoughts or ideas without using speech , writing , or any  other  normal method
       Test -2
       Reading passage-1
16.  Mangle-a machine with two or more cylinders turned by handle, between which laundry is squeezed to remove water
17.  Spoil- do something badly
18.  Tint-a shade of colour
19.  Tremor-a small earthquake, an uncontrollable quivering movement
20.  Ripple-a sound or feeling that spreads through a person, group, or place.
21.  Embark-go on board ship or aircraft,
22.  Embark on- begin a new project or course of action
23.  Seesaw-a situation characterized by repeated changes from one state or condition to another
24.  Hemisphere- a half of the earth ,usually as divided into northern and southern halves by the equator
25.  Blight –a thing that spoils or damages something, a plant disease, especially one caused by fungi
26.  Proliferate-Increase rapidly in number
  Reading passage-3 
27.  Olfaction-the sense of smell
28.  Aroma- a pleasant and distinctive smell, a particular quality or atmosphere
29.  Grimace-contort the face to indicate a certain mental or emotional state, a twisted expression on a person’s face
30.  Odour-smell
31.  Sensation –a physical feeling resulting from something that happens to or comes into contact with the body
32.  Elusive-difficult to find , catch or achieve
33.  Essence-gist, effect
                     Test -3
             Reading passage-1
34.  Neutralise-kill or destroy something or someone
35.  Prevent something  from having an effect by counteracting it with something else
36.  Armoury-a store or supply of arms
37.  Ionize-convert an atom , molecule, or substance into an ion
38.  Brew-a mixture of different things
39.  Beam up—shine , ray, radiate
40.  Nifty-very good
41.  Meteorology- the study of atmospheric process and  conditions, especially for weather forecasting
42.  Reckon-estimate, guess
43.  Confront-face
44.  Menace-threat, peril, endanger
45.  Torrential-falling rapidly and heavily
    Reading passage-2
46.  Prodigy-a young person with exceptional abilities, an outstanding example of a  quality
47.  Perpetuate-continue
48.  Ambivalent-having mixed feelings about something or someone, unsure
49.  Burn out – become exhausted through overwork, melt ,break or become otherwise unusable
50.  Denigrate-criticize someone or something in an unfair way, minimize, cause to seem less serious; play down
51.  Anecdote- a short entertaining story about a real incident or person, report
52.  Collate-compare
53.  Paediatrics-the branch of medicine concerned with children and their diseases
54.  Privilege-special right or advantage granted or available to a particular person or group
55.  Continuum-time, a continuous sequence in which elements next to each  other are very similar, but the last and the first are very different
56.  Mundane-
57.  Mediocre-everyday, lacking interest or excitement , relating to physically world rather than a heavenly or spiritual
58.  Emulate-compete, copy, try to do as well as or better than a person or an achievement
     Reading passage-3
59.  Constitute-form, be part of a whole, be equivalent to, make
60.  Thermodynamics-the branch of science concerned with the relation between heat and other forms of energy  involved in physical and chemical
61.  Inexorable-impossible to stop or prevent
62.  Mammoth-gigantic, huge enormous
63.  Frugally-using only as much money or food as is necessary
64.  Hibernate-spend the winter in a state with deep sleep
65.  Lethargy-lack of energy and enthusiasm
66.  Cardiovascular-relating to the heart and blood vessels
         Test -4
         Reading passage-1
67.  Fostered-maturated
68.  Schooling-education
       Reading passage-2
69.  Synthetic-man made
70.  Engender-do, make, cause, breed, bring forth
71.  Superbugs-insects,  which has become resistant to antibiotics or pesticides
72.   Syndrome-symptom, or a group of medical symptoms which consistency occur together 
73.  Proliferate-increase rapidly in number, grow
74.  Outbreak-erupt( forcefully eject lava, rocks, ash, or gases)
75.  Outlay-spending , expenditure
76.  Disperse-spread
77.  Parasite-an animal or plants which lives in or on another animal or plant from which it obtains food
78.  Obnoxious-extremely unpleasant, harmful, objectionable
79.  Hyacinth-a plant with fragrant bell –shaped flowers
80.  Defoliant-a chemical used to remove the leaves from plants and trees
81.  Larval-immature
82.  Devour-eat food greedily, destroy something completely, read something quickly and eagerly
83.  Forage-pasture, search for food
   Reading passage-3
84.  Species-from, kind
85.  Taxonomy-the branch of science concerned with the classification of things especially , plants and animals
86.  Overlook-miss, neglect, fail  to notice
87.  Bait-food put on a hook or in a trap to attract fish or other animals
88.  Pitfall-a covered pit used to trap animals
89.  Nocturnal-occurring or active at night
90.  Moisten-make moist
91.  Sift-examine something  thoroughly to sort out  what is important  or useful
92.  Litter-decomposing leaves and other matter forming  a layer on top of  soil
93.                 Test-A
   Reading passage-2
94.  Premises-a building, together with its land and outbuildings, occupied by a  business
95.  Dismissive- showing that something is unworthy of serious consideration
96.  Patent-a government licence giving  a person , body , the sole right to make use ,sell an  invention for a set of period
97.  Poultice-a soft mass , traditionally of flour , bran, and herb, applied to the skin to reduce inflammation
98.  Ointment-a smooth substance that Is rubbed on the skin for medicinal purposes
99.  Coneflowers-wild flower
100.  Echinacea-north American plant used in herbal medicine
          Test –B
        Reading passage-

101.          A printed sheet  of paper containing information  or advertising  and usually  distribute free
102.          Forge-produce a fraudulent copy or imitation of a banknote, work, art, signature
103.          Liable-likely to do, be. Responsible by law
104.          Precaution-something done in advance to avoid problem and danger
   Reading passage -2

105.          Duplex-having two parts
106.          Discard-get rid of something as useless or unwanted
107.          Dispose- get rid of something by throwing it away or giving or sell it to someone
108.          Ceramic-made of clay that is permanently hardened by heat like: ceramic articles
     Reading passage-3

109.          Dodge-cunning trick , especially one used to avoid  something, cunningly avoid doing or playing                                something
110.          Shareholder-an owner of shares in a company



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