Tuesday, 20 October 2015


Man has become very busy because he is always after material success .He has no time to stand and stare or think of the real significance of life.the cult of post modern society is work.Inspite of these things want to entertain himself in order to be energetic.Nowadays,television is the main source of recreation.In this essay pros and cons will be discussed before coming to any conclusion.
The new satellite and cable T.V system are become the vital need as a source of leisure time activities.Since the people desire continues entertainment,television becomes a craze among the children,youngster and older person.people of every generation watch t.v and relaxed.In the field of information,T.V has brought us closer to distant part of the world.The revolutionary changes in the field of education are visible.Even for the children under the age of kinder garden have their own channels on T.V.
However,the other side of the picture is very dark..The introduction of cable T.V is considered as cultural invasion of underdeveloped countries.The innocent children, young men and women learn most if destructive things through television. Uncensored T.V shows are a distant reality,that kind of programs spoils our cultural roots and morality.In this era working couples are in vogue,so their children to this type of shows.
In nutshell,It is wise to say that television could man aware in these days and gives recreational energy,but it can leads to demolish our cultural and traditional morality as well. So that can be cured must be endured and we should learn the difference between recreation and exploration.

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